Services Provided

* Riding Lessons – Private and Group Lessons Available
(Lessons for Hunters, Jumpers, Equitation, IEA and IHSA Teams)
* Lesson Rates
- $80 Private Hour
- $65 Private 45 Minutes
- $50 Private 30 Minutes
- $50 Group Hour
* Horse Show Fees:
- Taking Students to local Shows/Schooling/Showing Student’s Horse $100 per day per student per horse (Discounts available if multiple students are showing).
- Overnight Horse Show (more than 2 days) – $125 per day that trainer is on horse show grounds. Discounts available if multiple students are showing.
- Clients split Trainer’s Hotel Fees for Overnight and Away Horse Shows.
* Boarding (Furlong, PA):
- Training Board: $1650
- Full Care Board: $900
- Retirement Board: $695 (Limited Stalls Available)
- Sales Board: Price varies depending on client’s/horse’s needs
* Boarding (Worcester, PA):
- Full Care Board (Group Turnout): $800
- Full Care Board (Private Turnout): $900

Black Horse Stables IEA Team
* Horse Transportation ($75 Minimum or $2/Loaded Mile)
* Training Horses/Starting Young Horses
* IEA and IHSA Riding Teams
* Horse Brokerage
- Buying Horses for Clients
- Selling Horses for Clients
- Fee: 10% commission on actual selling price of your horse, $1000 minimum)
- Pictures and Video included, Owner must pay for advertising fees
* Summer Riding Camps: $475 per week – both locations
* In-House, Schooling, and Rated Horse Shows are available at both locations
*References Available*